Tired of using antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections? Me too! For the last few years, I have been struggling with many, many recurrent UTIs. Although I had tried several natural remedies, nothing really worked that well. That was until I discovered D-mannose and the Vibrant Health U.T Vibrance Crisis Intervention Formula that contains it.

A Natural UTI Breakthrough

I came across D-mannose first whilst doing research on Dr. Chris Kressers website, when I was about to be given another batch of antibiotics 4 months ago. He advises his patients to use it and it has been quite successful for them.

About to pull my hair out at the thought of the sheer damage another round would do to my gut, my immune system and my mental health, I decided I had nothing to lose and there had to be another way. As Marie Forleo would say: “Everything is figureoutable!”

I compared the brands I found in my local health shop and decided that the Vibrant Health U.T Vibrance looked great as it had good reviews online and contained the high dose of D-mannose Dr. Chris Kresser recommended. Although it was pricey, I had to give it ago (R598/£31). As the cost to my over all health from more antibiotics was going to come at an even great cost to put right if I went this route again…

I began the U.T Vibrance Crisis the same day, even though I started in the evening with the first dose and you needed to take 4 doses per day. I then took another dose before bedtime and finished the course over two more days (as you are given 2.5 days worth of treatment). Ensuring I drank lots of water when taking the tablets (this supplement is also available in a powdered form) to help flush the bacteria out that was causing my UTI, and during the day.

Retesting For A Urinary Test Infection

Whilst it was important for me to test for a UTI initially to confirm my symptoms, I knew it was vital to retest with my doctor to see if the natural alternative treatment to antibiotics had worked. I submitted another sample and was truly amazed and happy when the results came back as all clear – I had no more urinary tract infection and the supplement had worked!

Just last week I had symptoms again of another UTI, and immediately had a test to confirm it and yes, I did have another UTI. I decided to give Vibrant Health U.T Vibrance supplement a chance again and it worked – again! So I am currently sitting infection-free as I type this. However, my doctor suggested I go and have a cystoscopy to rule out a blockage that could be causing recurrent UTIs. After doing further research, I have booked in for this and will be doing this in two weeks time and will report back with how that went.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Urinary Tract Infections?

My personal symptoms include: feeling nauseous, feeling flushed in the face, cloudy urine, needing to urinate more frequently, sometimes they are also accompanied with a burning sensation as I urinate and pain in my bladder region and back. But not always. This is why the moment you suspect you have a UTI – go visit your doctor immediately. You can also buy home tests for UTIs in many pharmacies if it is difficult to get to your doctor immediately. I would however still visit your doctor to diagnose it, and what type (as there are three). Full list of symptoms include:

  • Intense urges to urinate (sometimes only a small amount will come out also but not always).
  • Feeling extremely tired or shaky.
  • Feeling like you are running a fever or that you are cold (this can mean the infection has gone to your kidneys).
  • Feeling tender in your abdomen or back.
  • When you urinate it burns.
  • Strange smelling, dark, cloudy or even bloody urine.

Depending on where your infection is, it will be given a different name. Cystitis is the name given to the infection when it is in your bladder. When the infection reaches your kidneys, the name for it is pyelonephritis. Urethritis is the name given to the infection when it is in your urethra. This is why it is always best to visit your trusted healthcare provider to ensure you are correctly diagnosed and the best course of treatment is suggested.

90% of all UTI’s are caused by E. coli bacteria which is believed to be transferred from the intestinal tract to the urinary tract. This is why D-mannose, the main ingredient in the Vibrant Health U.T Vibrance, is listed by Dr. Chris Kresser as the most effective natural way to treat (and prevent) UTIs. As this naturally occurring sugar (found in cranberries, blueberries and apples), attaches easily to bacteria and this sticking action is what helps redirect it out of the urinary tract when you go to the bathroom to urinate. Whereas when this doesn’t happen, the bacteria like E. coli will stick to the walls of the urinary tract and multiply, causing an infection to take hold. If not treated it can cause chronic infection throughout the body.

Further tips to prevent UTIs

There are many reasons a person can develop urinary tract infection, and it seems women suffer with them more than men. This is reported to be because our urethra is shorter than in a man’s urinary tract.

Sexual intercourse is a definite trigger for me and is a common cause for a UTI. As can not keeping yourself clean enough down below, using spermicides, a blockage in the urinary tract and the overuse of antibiotics.

Some further simple ways that could help prevent a UTI include:

  • Drinking water before and after intercourse.
  • Urinating immediately after intercourse
  • Cleaning both/all partners before intercourse (if possible!).
  • Women should ensure they wipe from front to back (to prevent bringing digestive tract germs into the urinary tract).
  • Take probiotics regularly to boost your immune system.
  • Even when not having sex, it is good to practise to drink lots of water every day and to always urinate the moment you have the urge – holding urine can encourage bacteria to take hold and spread.
  • Large doses of vitamin C may be able to prevent the growth of some bacteria that causes a UTI.
  • Eating a healthy and varied diet full of whole, fresh foods with plenty of vegetables.

Avoid Antibiotics Where Possible

Yes. The very treatment your doctor may keep giving you may be triggering recurrent UTIs. This is why it is important to look at alternative sources of treatment instead of using antibiotics always, and discuss them with your doctor. Even if she or he isn’t keen or hasn’t had much experience using anything else more natural, printing Dr. Chris Kressers article on treating and preventing UTIs without drugs and bringing it with you is a great start. And ultimately, the right doctor is one that listens to all options a patient wants to try and gives guidance on what is going to work for that specific patient.

If your doctor is still not interested in using anything but antibiotics it could be in your best interest to remind your doctor of the damage the antibiotics will cause if you take them. They wipe out all the good and the bad bacteria. Which is why you are the at risk of developing another UTI and other infections. It takes at least 6 months for your body to repopulate the good bacteria in your gut after they are wiped out, and this is in healthy people. So it will take longer if your health is compromised in any way. And those that have taken antibiotics are at an increased risk for mood and anxiety disorders.

Do The Least Harm When Treating A UTI

Looking for natural options seems like the right thing to try if you have been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, especially when science is showing antibiotics can have major side-effects. Also since there are promising other supplements out there that can and do work for many patients around the world like D-mannose.

The D-mannose in the Vibrant Health U.T Vibrance supplement even worked for me the second time when I was told I had a ‘chronic’ UTI according to the test. I am now looking into other reasons I might be getting these UTIs (with the cystoscopy procedure) but will always advise my own clients to look into D-mannose with their doctor when suffering from a first time UTI or recurrent UTI.


WebMD – Your guide to urinary tract infections https://www.webmd.com/women/guide/your-guide-urinary-tract-infections#1

Chris Kresser: Treat and prevent UTI’s without drugs https://chriskresser.com/treat-and-prevent-utis-without-drugs/

About The Author

Amy Morris is a healthy lifestyle guide and UK qualified nutritionist. She spends her time consulting with clients and creating food photography, e-books and articles for clients all over the globe. With a career spanning 10 years, Amy has seen many changes in the health industry and due to having had her own health issues, has learnt that ‘healthy’ has a different meaning to different people. Respecting that everyone has a different capacity and lifestyle, this is what sets Amy apart from other conventional practitioners. Check out more interesting health articles by visiting the Great Health Naturally home page.