Whilst men do not get endometriosis, men are still a VERY important part of helping women get diagnosed sooner.

1 in 10 women have endometriosis but it takes 8- 10 years on average for women to get this diagnosis. A diagnosis that finally makes sense of all the years of suffering with a period, which should not be the case.

Men – you are fathers to daughters, brothers to sisters, sons to mothers, friends to women, cousins to female cousins, uncles to nieces – therefore you play an important role in helping women get the diagnosis they need to help them get their life back when they finally know what is causing their often excruciating symptoms.

Here is what you can do to help: If a woman in your life complains of pain during her period and/or sex – this for starters is an indication to get checked out by a gynaecologist that is experienced with endometriosis diagnosis. Period pain is not normal. It is also important to lead these conversations and spread awareness that period pain is not normal for women and that it might be endometriosis if they experience it, to later process this and realise they need to get checked out.

Let’s say this again: PERIOD PAIN IS NOT NORMAL!

Period pain is a common sign of endometriosis (amongst other issues but endo is a top cause).

Please share this message with the women and men in your life, in doing so you are helping the women in your get closer to thriving as they deserve!

Want to learn how to thrive naturally with endometriosis as I do? Feel free to email me: amy@greathealthnaturally.co.uk


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