When did you last get your Pap smear? A Pap smear is a test to detect cervical cancer. If the answer is never – it’s time to book one immediately. If the answer is longer than 3 years ago – it’s also time to book another one immediately.

I had my Pap smear test yesterday with an additional HPV test because I’m over 30. And the lady pictured below is my gynaecologist Dr Natalia Novikova @drnatalianovikova who performed it. It was super quick, and painless. And I love Dr Novikovas bedside manner. It works for me and allows me to be comfortable to chat to her about any and all of my lady issues down below.

Dr Novikova is also the surgeon who performed my last laparoscopy operation to remove endometriosis lesions.

DYK? According to Health Line, up until the 1950’s, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths for women in the USA. And since the introduction of Pap smear tests this has declined by a huge 60%.

At Great Health Naturally we believe in prevention being the only cure and regular testing to ensure your body is healthy deep inside. So even if you did develop cervical cancer, you would stand a far better chance of curing it the sooner it is detected.

Pap Smear Tests: Take Home Points From Today’s Post

🥑 get your Pap smear test done from aged 21 onwards and every 2-3 years thereafter to know your cervical cancer status,

🥑 if you have a history of cancer or other health concerns you might benefit from having a Pap smear before that,

🥑 find a gynaecologist that makes you feel comfortable,

🥑 discuss any concerns with your gynaecologist including if you get period pain, spotting in between periods and irregular periods as these could be a sign of other health issues that your gynaecologist can help you treat or manage,

🥑 because the HPV virus can take many years to show as it can lay dormant, this is why routine screening only happens during a Pap smear from aged 30 onwards,

🥑 and even if you a virgin you should still have regular Pap smears from aged 21.

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