by Amy Morris DNN mFNTP – Founder of Great Health Naturally

Detoxing is crucial before conception

Babies are one of the purest things around, aren’t they?! On the outside, they look so cute and clean. But this is not really true if you think that 200 toxic chemicals were found in the umbilical cords of 10 newborns in a 2004 study, carried out by U.S.A researchers. Even if you think you have not got any problems conceiving a child, it is still beneficial that you do a detox especially if you want to have kids. As the health of your child when he becomes an adult is determined largely by the health of him or her when they were in your womb. Many people overlook this aspect, including doctors.

Back to the newborn babies that had their umbilical cords tested…

The chemicals found in there cords included:

  • Pesticides
  • Food Additives
  • Wastes from burning coal & gasoline
  • Teflon chemicals (non-stick pans)
  • Flame retardants
  • Varnish & pain byproducts
  • Plus 193 more!

So if this is what was found in new born babies umbilical cords, what was also found inside their vital organs and tissues I wonder? And come to think of it, what toxins are inside your vital organs as you read this? If we were to just leave the body in this state, overwhelmed, without clearing out these toxins of which some include many severe carcinogens then we increase our chances massively of getting some serious chronic dis-ease like cancer or brain and nervous system disorders. As all these chemicals during research and testing have been linked to causing these disease and more. Also, many toxins in our environments have been linked to inducing DNA damage, and cellular dysfunction.

You see, our bodies are like sponges to everything around us. They were designed to be able to absorb the good, and occasionally some bad from our environment. But in today’s convenient world, this now includes absorbing all the large amounts of toxic man-made chemicals that 100years ago were never around. Times have really changed so much with the work load we have put on our bodies too. Our bodies were never designed to deal with the amount of toxicity now in our environments. What has also changed is the amount of toxic ingredients in the average household, not just the air we breathe in. This includes cleaning products, beauty products, food to even the containers we store out food in, and the beds we sleep on.

Depending on where you live, how you live and eat, and the state of your parents health at the time they conceived you determines how much toxicity you have inside you today. Not even the healthiest of people can ever avoid absorbing toxins. As that is what our bodies were designed to do. Absorb, then excrete. But if the body has become overloaded with this workload, then it cannot excrete all toxic substances as quick as it would like. So what happens? These toxins get absorbed by the blood stream and get absorbed into the vital organs slowly causing damage the longer they are left to build up.

What you can do about it…

If you are thinking of having a baby, or just want to put the brakes on on getting some sort of chronic disease later on in life the best thing everyone can take part in then is a detox. Now there are many different types of detox, some very gentle to some very deep and long winded ways.

The way I practise as a natural nutritionist is to get my clients to take part in daily detoxing – this simply means incorporating more healthful foods and slowly reducing the junk they are eating, drinking (and sometimes smoking!). So it is a gradual transition to healthy and does not then, when done in this careful way, put too much stress on an already probably really stressed body. As what people need to realise from simply do this is encouraging the detox effect to happen without really doing too much hard work, like with other types of detox that people often think of as simply juice fasting or water fasting.

Although I believe the latter is very dangerous and I will never be caught suggesting this to any client, I do put my clients on deeper detoxes when their bodies are ready for it. Women (and men) trying to conceive both need to take part in some some of mild to deep detox (should there bodies be able to handle it and there are no deep chronic illnesses present at the time).

Benefits of detoxing…

The benefits of detoxing can include:

  • Better Organ Function – Detoxing acts like a spring clean to your organs, and clears out the toxins and debris that has been stuck here for many years (basically the age you are if you have never done a detox!)
  • Losing Weight – (although this is not why I ever suggest doing one!) Between 3-6kg can be held in your intestines from impacted fecal waste (I know gross right!)
  • Better Digestive Function – Detoxing gives your digestive system a much needed break. The deeper a detox you do, the more the digestive system rests and the more the bodies precious energy can be focused on healing and repairing where is needed.
  • Healthier Skin – toxins are the cause of bad skin, and if the digestive system is over burdened, then the body will use the next largest organ of elimination to help – this being the skin.
  •  Balancing Hormones – through cleaning out the liver on a detox, old dead and used hormones that should have exited the body a long time ago via the bowels but couldn’t get a chance to be released finally.
  • Cleaner Blood – the circulatory system is what takes nourishment and toxins to where they need to go – sometimes toxins get reabsorbed to places they do not need to go, so a detox helps to reduce the work load if you like of the blood stream.
  • Reduce Chances of Birth Defects – Doing an organic fruit and vegetable detox is the way to go. Seeing as chemical pesticides have been linked to birth defects, and endocrine problems it would not make any sense put them back into the body on your detox through eating regular conventionally grown fruit and vegetables here.
  • More Energy – through regulating those blood sugar levels, by giving your body the correct food it needs to keep energy levels stable.
  • Better Sleep
  • Improved Sex Drive
  • Better Concentration (less foggy mind!)
  • Better Chances of Conception – A woman’s pelvic region and ovaries, uterus, fallopian tube and all other parts involved in baby making, get cleaned out of debris so too can function better. For a man, the reduced toxins in individual sperms helps to encourage better, stronger swimmers
  • + many many more!

Overall, the benefits of detoxing before conceiving your child means you will also, simply put, be bringing a healthier child into the world. But detoxing is not the only thing we can do to ensure we create healthy children. The foods we are eating before and during pregnancy are also what really matter perhaps the most. If your digestive system is not functioning well enough though, and is stressed in anyway then it will not be able to absorb all the beautiful nutrients from all the healthy foods you may already be eating. So, by adding in a detox or several detoxes before pregnancy, this helps to ensure therefore, more of the nutrients you are feeding your baby when pregnant – actually get through.

Always speak to your natural nutritionist, naturopath of doctor before doing a detox to ensure your body can handle it. Also, you may be able to work with your nutritionist to formulate a detox plan to suit your specific needs as no two of us are the same.

If you do not have a natural nutritionist and you would like to contact us for consultations, then please visit our contact page for more info. We would be only too happy to help, and have helped many other couples to conceive naturally!

About the Author:

Amy Morris is the owner of Great Health Naturally UK. She is a qualified and UK registered Natural Nutritionist, holistic lifestyle adviser and organic retail specialist. Amy is based in beautiful green Surrey, UK and enjoys consulting and helping her clients (and anyone who will listen!) become informed, educated and empowered so that they can take control of their health and achieve great health naturally.

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