#ivebeentheretoo. Yup. When I was 15 I tried to overdose. I wanted out of this painful life. I’m not ashamed to talk about this as since that day, I’ve never wanted to end my life again, and have worked really hard on keeping my mental health in tip top shape.

I now wish to share my story to inspire people who might be in the same situation – to reach out to loved ones and seek help. As I am living proof that life can get better and these feelings can be managed and processed.

What that journey of “help” looks like is very individual and no two paths to recovery will look the same. However, it’s not easy for people who feel depressed or suicidal to reach out. And it’s far too easy for society to say “Well, they have got to want to be helped”, meaning hey have to reach out and ask for help first to be helped.

🚨It’s pretty unrealistic to expect someone who feels depressed, mistrusting and skeptical of people in the first place to find it within themselves to reach out and admit they have a problem, especially when they might genuinely believe asking for help isn’t going to work or be for them.

So please – reach out to someone you are concerned about. Haven’t seen in a while. Haven’t heard from in a while.

As doing so might just save a life ♥️