What is the one thing that money cannot buy and once it is gone only then do you realise the importance of not looking after it? Your health. But so many people I know would much rather invest their time and money elsewhere.

Modern Day Living Bites Back

This ‘elsewhere’ could be anything from always having the latest car, the latest designer handbag or boots, to a daily cigarette habit or drink habit – all of which I might add do nothing to improve our health. But what is happening is this addiction to the 21st Century Modern Lifestyle just does not leave people with spare pennies to invest in the best organic food money can buy. This is of huge concern and times have to change, and fast.

People everywhere need to wake up to the fact that yes times are hard, but still the only investment that is worth spending your money on on a daily basis is your health. Largely, because adopting preventative health care is the only known and proven cure to staying well, fit and healthy in body and mind.

What to Do if You Fall into This Category

Take a good look at your monthly budget and access every last detail as to where you spend your money. Be realistic – make cutbacks in areas of your life that you do not need – this is the whole point. Be honest with yourself, thorough and ruthless.

Saving Suggestions

If you quit just your monthly daily coffee habit that costs roughly £2 a day = for an average month that is a saving of £56 a month. That is £56 you can now invest in the best organic fruit, veg and meat (if you are a carnivore) that money can buy.

What about that cigarette habit you have been mulling over ditching? Well on average a pack of 20 cigarettes costs £5 – so if you smoke 20 a day over an average month this, if you quit = is a saving of £140 (wow that is a huge one!)

I think you are catching my drift. Times are hard right now I seem to of late, hear nothing but this phrase on the tv, and out in the shops. But the last thing you want to be penny pinching on is your health. So to get out of this rut you are in, cut backs on unnecessary items have to go. As I am tired of hearing that being healthy is expensive. So let us stop making excuses and start making solutions.

Change Now Before it is Too Late

Without great health, life sucks quite frankly. Being in pain on a daily basis, due to getting a chronic disease as a result of nutritional deficiencies and a poor toxic diet and lifestyle – is a tragedy when each of us has the power to control a lot of what happens to our health day in and day out, for better or for worse.

Not to mention the costs of being chronically ill are far more than the costs involved in buying organic fresh foods. Even if you were to get ill, and used ‘free’ public health care (NHS), this still costs you money and all of the other taxpayers money because this is who is paying for you to get treatment. Even then the levels of care you would receive from all NHS hospitals and services is going to be hit or miss.

Do you want to take your chances of not being cared for properly? Or take your chances of getting ill in the first place? No one wants to be ill in reality, but not enough people are willing to do anything or enough about preventing it.

No one wants to miss out on special moments with their kids or seeing their grand-kids grow up. But sadly, this is what happens to often when people do not see the bigger picture. The bigger picture in this life is not just thinking about today, but the effects the things we do today have on tomorrow and years to come.

Your Health is in Your Hands

We have the power to create excellent health to last us until we are elderly thanks to all the free information available online. There is also enough evidence on the internet documenting peoples real life stories of how eating junk food ruined their life, and no scientist needs to prove this with an experiment – the real life stores speak for themselves. Getting chronically ill does not have to be you, and you can stay fit and well, mentally and physically so long as you put in the work today and everyday.

So, become informed and spend your money where it matters. I know that when you look at it in the supermarket, that buying a multi-pack bag of crisps that is on ‘Buy One Get One Free’ special – may seem like the better option compared to spending your money instead on a large bag of organic carrots. But why is this the case?

Government Farming Subsidies – A Major Cause for Concern

The reason your junk food is so cheap in the first place is often because the UK government subsidises conventional farmers whose crops most of the time, end up being used in a lot of store bought junk foods. Sunflower farmers for instance who get a lot of subsidies, produce gallons of cheap sunflower oil that gets refined and then heated, now becoming a toxic substance called ‘trans fats’ that coats your end product, a bag of crisps.

Subsidies are all around us in the supermarket and in all the junk food on the shelves, yet only no investment goes into subsidising health foods – the foods that really matter and deserve it. Subsidising the ingredients that make up junk food is only good for one thing – and you got it it is not your health. It is good for helping to keep prices of junk food low and helps the big food companies to keep taking in more and more profits because they know people love cheap food. Do not be left the fool to their good marketing and campaigns by paying for it in the long run when your health declines.

Because it will decline if you eat a poor diet not suited to your body day in, day out. This is another part of the puzzle of why people do not prioritise eating healthy sometimes, because the effects of the junk they eat are not always felt immediately or for many years.

But when you look a little closer, and ask these people how they are feeling – most of them are functioning and feeling under par. Most have low energy levels, sleep disorders, addictions to stimulants such as coffee or sugar (the modern day cocaine), which they cannot get through the day without. This is not normal and is not OK.

It is hard to find accurate information on the internet about which fruit and vegetables are subsidised here in the UK, but from my research into the USA – the only fruit or vegetable listed to be subsidised was apples. This left crops like corn, barley, and other grains taking up the majority of the remaining subsidies. Sure, crops like these can have their moderate health benefits – but organic vegetables have far more! It is these we cannot live without.

Another problem with the subsidies in the USA is these crops are conventionally grown and many are genetically modified, as I am sure the crops subsidised here in the UK are. Both of these methods have been linked to triggering many serious health conditions including cancer.

This is why no matter what is being subsidised here in the UK, we need to become aware of why eating organic food is so important and so much better for our health and then keep on supporting it and demanding it to be subsidised like it is in Switzerland.

Ditch The Foolish Trends

I also have seen a very tragic trend appearing which is that it is not cool to eat so called healthy food often being referred to as ‘hamster food’. This is not just by the young either – fully grown ‘adults’ also have mocked many of my clients when they are trying to turn over a new diet and lifestyle leaf. May I remind all of these people that getting ill and being on deaths door is not cool nor pleasant. Perhaps if you think like this, you should go and visit your local hospital if you want to see what it is like to be chronically ill and to get a reality check of what you are encouraging by getting others to stop trying to live in a healthy way.

My advice for everyone: live for yourself. This way when you live for yourself, take care of yourself, nourish your body and mind with good foods and good thoughts – you can then be a better person to the people you love in your life. This is not selfish. But merely something that does not get done enough. People are scared to invest in themselves and their health starting with good foods. Stop trying to impress other people, doing things you feel they want you to do, and stop investing in the big corporate companies bank balances by buying things you do not need every day or every month.

Choose Wisely, Choose Great Health

Start investing your money where it matters – into your health. So you can buy the best organic fresh health foods on a daily basis, and manage your money so that organic produce is no longer seen as a luxury. Organic food is not for the rich, or the ‘posh’. It is for those that want to healthy.

Organic food is also not a trend. It is here to stay and is actually the original farming method of all farming methods. It is vital to your health, in so many more ways than nutritionally depleted soil from conventionally grown food will ever and can ever be. Educate yourself, learn why – as soon as you are armed with facts you will not look back again.

Finally, it is by having your health that you keep bringing food on the table for you and your family in the first place. That you have money in your pocket to pay your monthly bills for that expensive house you own, or fancy car your drive that costs lots to fill up, all because you have your health to turn up to your day job day after day. So, no matter which type of lifestyle you live right now – rich, middle class or poor – remember the only priceless investment ever, is your health, and do not do things that will jeopardise or take it away from you.

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