Let me show you how to make your very own fresh organic sprouts using your very own Amy-Zing 3-in-1 Nut Milk Bag!

Sprouting seeds increases the nutrient value of seeds and can make them easier to digest. Making them a great addition to your diet if you want to boost your nutritional status.

What can I sprout?

  • Beans
  • Grains
  • All kinds of seeds and nuts
  • Greens such as broccoli, kale, radish, clover and mustard

How to sprout seeds in an Amy-Zing 3-in-1 Nut Milk Bag made of cotton.

  1. First soak your seeds, beans, nuts, greens or grains (whatever you wish to use) for 8-12 hours by placing the seeds in the Amy-Zing 3-in-1 Nut Milk Bag and then in a jar or bowl but ensuring the seeds are totally covered in water.
  2. Then rinse the seeds and hang them over a bowl to dry. At this point, you do not need to put them in the sun.
  3. Then going forward twice daily, rinse the bag of seeds, or dip in freshwater (for approx. 20 seconds) twice a day.
  4. After 3-5 days your sprouts are ready! Woop! If you are sprouting greens, at around day 2-3 you should ideally move them to a location with a bit more light to help them become green. 
  5. Turn your sprout bag inside out to get to the sprouts. Enjoy adding them to your meals! 

Store the fresh sprouts for up to 3 days in the fridge (any longer and mould will form, making them unsafe to eat).

IMPORTANT: Be sure to rinse your Amy-Zing 3-in-1 Nut Milk Bag in hot water immediately after using and then hang in the sun to dry. Doing so will ensure the item is food safe each time as the sun is a natural and non-toxic disinfectant. 

To grow your own sprouts, buy your very own Amy-Zing 3-in-1 Nut Milk Bag here.