A recent study carried out at the University College London found that those that ate 7 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, had a significantly lower risk of death compared to those in the study who had only 5 portions of fruit and veg.

The current UK guidelines say that we need to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day to stay healthy and prevent many lifestyle related diseases. But this advice should be updated given the strong evidence researchers at UCL have discovered.

Seven-a-Day Will Provide You With Lower Death Risk than Five-a-Day

UCL analysed data from 65,226 men and women and discovered that the more fresh fruit and vegetables they ate, the less likely they were to die, no matter their age.

Those that ate 7 portions of fruit and veg a day cut their risk of death by a staggering 42%. Whereas those that ate 5 portions a day cut their death risk by a much lower 29%.

In this study, the strongest link to a decreased risk of death came from fresh vegetables, followed by salad, and then fruit. Interestingly, fruit juice was found to provide no benefit to health and death risk, whilst canned fruit was associated with an increased risk of death.

Stop Avoiding Fruit & Veg for Healths Sake

It seems no matter what, you just cannot run and hide from the need to eat fruit and vegetables in your diet.  

What is scary is that there are still many people that do not like vegetables and often have zero portions of fruit and veg in their daily diet. But with research like this, it is just too hard to ignore the benefits that will come about from eating fresh fruit and vegetables, and hopefully it will convince those fussy eaters that have a dislike of fruit and and veg to become adventurous with fruit and vegetables.

For those that ignore the need to even eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, you do so at your own risk and you need to be aware that your health will undoubtedly suffer as a result – sooner or later.

Source: http://www.naturalproductsonline.co.uk/researchers-say-seven-a-day-should-be-new-fruit-and-veg-target/