Manual lymphatic drainage massage is just one of the ways we can help keep our immune system strong. The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system so it is vital we keep it healthy to be able to have natural immunity. The lymphatic system itself is a complex network of lymphoid organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, lymphatic tissues, lymph capillaries and lymph vessels that produce and transport lymph fluid from tissues to the circulatory system. Toxic substances are only able to move out of the body through the bloodstream due to the lymphatic system.

Our immune system is under normal conditions (when the person is in good health) our natural first line of defense against illness and negative health. Although, sometimes our immune system can function abnormally due to deficiencies and disorders where the body has either lost its natural immunity or in some cases the immune system turns against the body it is meant to be there to protect. Either way, looking after our immune system naturally and keeping it strong – is what should be a priority for anyone wishing to keep a strong immune system and prevent any immune system health disorders. 

Onto our interview with Ancois Cilliers owner of Touch of Light, who is a holistic therapist who can tell us more about the wonderful massage that is lymphatic drainage and the benefits it can bring to our immune system.

Great Health Naturally: What is lymphatic drainage massage all about?

Ancois Cilliers – Manual lymph drainage is a specialist massage technique performed to stimulate the flow of lymph. Harmful substances are removed from the tissues and neutralised in the lymph nodes. It has also been shown that an increase in lymph flow stimulates an increased production of lymphocytes (immune system cells) – therefore enhancing immune function.

GHN – How does a lymphatic drainage massage differ to all other massage styles?

AC – Lymph drainage massage is very different to a regular massage treatment. The movements are very light (pressure is about the weight of a 5p/10c coin) with a very repetitive, specific sequence, rhythm and pressure.

Often patients find it difficult to accept that light pressure can be effective in any way.

But the lightness in the touch of this massage is vital in getting the benefits.

GHN – Where is the lymphatic system located and how is it drained?

AC – The lymphatic system does not have a pump, and relies on the movement of muscles and organs. There are two separate and very unequal drainage areas. The Right drainage area drains lymph fluid from the right side of the head and neck, Right arm, and upper Right quadrant of the body. Lymph in this area flows into the Right lymphatic duct, and then this duct empties the lymph into the Right subclavian vein.

The Left drainage area drains lymph from the left side of the head and neck, left arm and Left upper quadrant, the lower trunk and both legs. The cisterna chyli stores lymph as it moves upwards from the lower areas of the body. The thoracic duct transports lymph upwards to the left lymphatic duct which empties the lymph into the left subclavian vein.

GHN – Where does the drained lymph go?

AC – As the lymph travels through the body, it passes through lymph nodes where it is filtered. At the base of the neck the lymph enters the subclavian veins and once again becomes plasma in the blood stream. (To then so long as it kept moving through our movement, will then start the cycle all over again.)

GHN – Who was the founder of this type of massage?

AC – Emile Vodder, a Danish massage practitioner and doctor of philosophy, developed the techniques known as manual lymph drainage. He struggled at the time to prove the efficiency and safety of this technique. Scientists were concerned that manual lymph drainage would spread toxins from the lymph throughout the body. It was not until 1967 that a German physician tested Emile Vodders techniques on 20,000 patients and revealed definite medical benefits, and that the spread of toxins through this massage was not possible!

GHN – Who can benefit from a lymph drainage massage?

AC – Everyone can benefit from them! It can enhance a detox programme and even help with a weight loss program. It can help people who are suffering from a lack of energy, helps the recovery of sports injuries by enhancing the tissue regeneration process, can be used for scar healing. Can also enhance the quality of the skin, can helps to get rid of cellulite, reduce swelling in hands, ankles, feet that can often be bought on by pregnancy.

It has also proved to be effective in treating chronic inflammation eg. sinusitis, arthritis and acne.

And may also help with lymphoedena, wound healing, treating post traumatic adema as a result of a sprain, whiplash, burns and haematoma.

GHN – How many times should you have a lymphatic drainage massage to get maximum benefit?

AC – It is suggested that a healthy person should go at least 3 times a year for a lymphatic drainage massage just to boost the immune system. It is much more effective to go for 3-4 sessions in a short period of time than just once.

When you have a specific condition the therapist will guide you with the amount f massages needed and time frame needed for your individual requirements, and in some cases it is necessary to have a manual lymphatic drainage massage a few days in a row, til both the therapist and patient agrees the system is fully activated and draining as it should be.

GHN – When looking in their area for a lymphatic massage therapist, what should the general public look for when choosing a massage therapist?

AC – It is always important to make sure that when you are going for a lymphatic drainage massage that you know beforehand that the therapist is a trained and qualified massage therapist. Ask the therapist what kind of massage it is, and make sure the therapist also uses a very light touch for this kind of massage if choosing to have a manual lymphatic drainage massage!

Contraindications (do not opt for a lymphatic drainage massage basically!) if you have any of the following:

Congestive heart failure, deep vein thrombosis, acute infections, neck treatment is contraindicated with cardiac arrhythmia and all the above with hyperthyroidism

Drainage of the abdominal area is contraindicated in pregnancy, aneurism and all above and crohn’s disease.

Thank you for letting us interview you today Ancois!

Image of lady getting massaged courtesy of


To get in touch and experience the magic of Ancois Cilliers DHHI (Massage) massage techniques, her company is called ‘A Touch Of Light’ and Ancois is based in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. She also offers the following massage services:

  • Holistic Massage
  • Sport Massage
  • Blood Circulation
  • Aroma Therapy

To book a massage or find out more about the services she offers please get in touch with her via email: